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Effect of Cellulose Concentration in NMMO-H2O Solution on Prediction of MW and MWD of Cellulose Using a Rheology-Based Method
来源:刘小云教授,博士生导师个人网站 发布日期:2010-01-04
作者:Huiru Zhang, Xiaoyun Liu, Dongshuang Li, Rongxian Li
关键字:Cellulose, Concentration, Prediction,Rheology-Based Method
具体来源:Polymer Engineering & Science,2009, 49: 554-558

Prediction of molecular weight (MW) and molecular weight distribution (MWD) of cellulose by means of a rheology-based method is developed. In this method, the effect of cellulose concentration in N-methlymorpholine-N-oxide monohydrate (NMMO-H2O) solution on predicting results is discussed. It is shown that there is no significant effect of cellulose concentration on predicting results when the cellulose concentration in NMMO-H2O solution is high enough. Meanwhile, the obtained results are compared with those of gel permeation chromatograghy (GPC) method. The comparison shows that the calculated peak MW, polydispersity index (PDI) and MWD curves have the same trends. Consequently, it may be feasible to compare the MW and MWD of cellulose by using the rheology-based method. In addition, the rheology-based method is simple and fast. Therefore it is a useful and easy way to analyze the MW and MWD of cellulose in the fiber industry.

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