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A simulation model for soft triblock Janus particles and their ordered packing
来源:朱有亮研究员个人网站 发布日期:2020-01-07
作者:Z.-W. Li, Z.-Y. Lu, Y.-L. Zhu, Z.-Y. Sun, L.-J. An
关键字:Soft triblock Janus particles
具体来源:RSC Advances, 3, 3:813-822 (2012)
We present a mesoscale simulation model that is suitable for describing the deformable and non-centrosymmetric characteristics of soft triblock Janus particles. The model parameters are readily mapped onto experimental systems under different ambient conditions. We examine the influence of Janus balance and the flexibility of Janus particle aggregates on the packing structures. Some ordered structures, such as the hexagonal columnar structure and the body-centered tetragonal structure, are observed in our simulations. Our study demonstrates that the Janus balance and the flexibility of Janus particle aggregates can be tuned to obtain various ordered packing structures. The soft Janus particles with soft and deformable characteristics may bring new excitement to materials science.
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