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SFPC课题组第64篇论文发表在Composites Communications上!
来源:顾军渭教授个人网站 发布日期:2018-07-19

Kunpeng Ruan, Yongqiang Guo, Yusheng Tang, Yali Zhang, Jiani Zhang, Mukun He, Jie Kong, Junwei Gu. Improved thermal conductivities in polystyrene nanocomposites by incorporating thermal reduced graphene oxide via electrospinning-hot press technique. Composites Communications, 2018, 10: 68-72.


Thermal reduced graphene oxide (TRG) was performed to obtain the TRG/polystyrene (TRG/PS) composite fibers by solution blending followed by electrospinning technique. And then the thermally conductive TRG/PS nanocomposites were fabricated via hot press method. The thermally conductive coefficient (λ), thermal diffusion coefficient (α), glass transition temperature (Tg) and heat-resistance index (THRI) of the obtained TRG/PS nanocomposites were all improved with the increasing addition of TRG. The addition of 15 wt% TRG could increase the λ value of pure PS from 0.226 W/mK to 0.689 W/mK, a value from 0.2157 mm2/s to 0.6545mm2/s, Tg value from 90.3 °C to 95.0 °C and THRI value from 184.2 °C to 194.3 °C.

(a) Mass fraction of TRG influencing on the λ and α values of the TRG/PS nanocomposites; 

(b) Infrared thermal images of the TRG/PS nanocomposites.


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